Akeem Pierre - Nov 16th 2022

Fortitude of a GOD: Thriving through tough times. 

we’ve been living through increasingly complex times. While there have been struggles with the onset of COVID, the rise of technological dependence, and poor mental health, how are we taking care of ourselves during this turbulent time? Thinking of this question, I’ve been sitting and reflecting on this notion of fortitude. Merriam Webster’s Dictionary defines fortitude as a ‘strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear pain or adversity with courage.’

When thinking about fortitude, I think about resilience and where we draw that power from. While our current generation has many distractions that hinder them from a life of focus, discipline, and growth, there are also many avenues to connect and develop healthy practices to cultivate our inner God and help our communities by helping ourselves.

In the second of a seven-part roundtable discussion with myself, Chronixx, Hon. Priest Kailash, and Rizza Islam, we discuss the importance of fortitude, how to develop it within ourselves and in our communities, and how to step into our power and agency to persevere through complicated times.

Watch the conversation in the first Rising of the Gods Podcast episode below! 

In this episode:

- Connecting fortitude with faith
- Concrete wellness practices to build fortitude in our modern and complex times
- Using obstacles as an opportunities to grow fortitude
- Building your whole, balanced self through support from partnerships and communities

Get to know the Gods

Akeem: http://instagram.com/akeemo.therapy
Chronixx: https://www.instagram.com/chronixxmusic
Rizza Islam: https://www.instagram.com/rizzaislamix
Hon. Priest Kailash: https://www.instagram.com/honpriestkailash

This podcast is sponsored by 'The Answer'

Time Stamps:

8:07 - “You’re only trying if there’s no knowing.” 
26:04 - “Fortitude is not just strength but it’s strength where there’s opposition present.”
32:27 - “Most people will commit to something that is constantly generating material results.”
49:14 - “Fortitude is non-negotiable, especially when it comes to the opposition. We can’t break it because we think we’ll lose opportunity, position, or friendships. We just have to keep pushing forward.”